How Do You Know If Your Commercial Roof Was Damaged After a Storm in Cleveland, Ohio?

How Do You Know If Your Commercial Roof Was Damaged After a Storm in Cleveland, Ohio?

How Do You Know If Your Commercial Roof Was Damaged After a Storm in Cleveland, Ohio?
If you are a business owner whose premises have recently experienced a storm, you are probably worried about damage to your commercial roofing in Cleveland, Ohio.
Damaged roofing leads to major problems with your building as a whole.
But before hiring a Cleveland commercial roof repair contractor, it’s worth inspecting for damage to your roofing.


Types of Storm Damage


Wind-flung debris can severely damage a rooftop, especially one made with foam roofing. Bits and pieces can be torn and swept away.


During severe thunderstorms, hailstones may fall, dinging HVAC units, tearing your membrane roof, and bending your flashing.


Any commercial roof coatings that have sustained damage will let in water. Once inside, it will start destroying your roofing materials and trickle deeper into your building, causing leaks and mold growth.

How to Inspect and What to Look For

Damage Caused by Wind

Before hiring a contractor to repair your commercial roofing in Cleveland, Ohio, inspect your roof from the ground.
Any damage to flashing covering seams in your roofing membrane provides places for water to get into your roofing and requires immediate attention.
Cracks, tears, or rips in a membrane roof are points of weakness and potential failure. In severe cases, the entire membrane should be replaced.
Seeing bits and pieces of roofing membrane lying on the ground is a surefire sign of damage.

Damage Caused by Hail

Hail leaves signature signs of damage, such as dents in HVAC units, both on top and on the sides (from hailstones rebounding from the roofing).
Hailstones of any size can easily bend or rip flashing due to the force with which they strike its surface. They also tend to result in considerable damage to the roofing itself.

Damage Caused by Water

Commercial roofing in Cleveland, Ohio, can pick up problems purely from water. Water that sits on a flat roof for more than 48 hours is referred to as ponding (or pooling) water. The extra weight damages commercial roof coatings.
If water penetrates a membrane roof, it can track and appear as bubbles and blisters far from its entry point.
Leaks, water stains, and the smell of mold or mildew are indicators you may encounter indoors that signify a severe problem with water.

Contact Your Insurance Right Away

If a storm has damaged your roof, contact your insurance company as soon as possible and give them your assessment of the situation, including photos of the damage.
They may cover part or all of the costs; either way, they will likely organize a Cleveland commercial roof repair specialist you may not otherwise have gotten.
Get that roofer to repair your rooftop immediately.

Choose Top Professionals for Your Commercial Roofing in Cleveland, Ohio

When a storm damages your business’s roof, the speed of your response can mean the difference between a crisis averted and a serious problem that threatens your livelihood.
Call a reputable Cleveland commercial roof repair company as soon as the storm passes to ensure all is well with your building.

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